Welcome to Rat Camp

Howdy Y'all!

I hope this can be a place for us all to share our ramblings. The curse of 'Giddiyup!' (and the modern lifestyle) has placed us all far from the old ranch house (aka. Rat Camp), but if you're like me your heart still resides there.
Com'on y'all, show us what you're made of!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Andrew & Billie having a rough go

I wanted to pass the word about Billie and Andrew. A week ago last Thursday, he went for a walk late in the evening and stumbled and fell and broke his foot in two places. A neighbor saw him and called Billie and of course she called 911 and to the VA Hospital he went. So, he's in a cast and as of this morning hasn't walked at all. They say no weight at all on the foot, so he hasn't walked even with walker. Just in a wheelchair, only he hasn't even been out of bed yet, so Stephen told me this morning. But he was being moved to a Rehab Center today, so we'll see what happens. Another worry tho is that he is all disoriented and they discovered that he hasn't been taking his medicine probably for about a month. So, he's been kind of out of it.
Carolyn and Sally both came last week to be with Billie and help her and things were doing ok, until Sunday aft, when they were leaving the hospital and Billie fell and lo and behold, she broke her hip and is in Presbyterian Hospital and had a ball replacement yesterday. So, she is down now also and will probably go to Rehab in a couple of days, so Sally said this morning. Carolyn has had to go back to work but Sally has this week and most of next that she can stay.
So, just what they are going to do and how they will manage no one knows yet. Some thought is being given to them going into an Assisted Living Place and then their house would just have to be sold, etc. So, only time will tell.
Boy, when it rains it pours.
Bye and love, AC

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

email-to-blog test

this is a test to see if i can send an email which then becomes a post on the rat camp blog.


it worked..... click here for info on how to do it.

and if you try and don't succeed, please let me know to see if i need to grant permission to let you be able to do it.

hope this'll make posting easier!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Eric's Wedding

Hi all,

Eron here. I, with good
old friend of the family Mike Lucas, went up to Oregon last weekend for the wedding of my brother Eric Ersch to his lovely new wife, Lana. (She's the one in the white dress.) I'm attaching the photos I took. As you can see, it was a beautiful ceremony. Let's wish Eric and Lana the best for many years together!

(roll your mouse over the pictures to show stop/back/fwd controls. click on a pic to go to another page with more control options -larger size, etc. -ed)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Quick news

Hi all - We just wanted to post a quick little note about a change in our situation. We have decided to move back to Flagstaff, in northern Arizona. Actually - it was decided some time back - but we are only now sending the word along. We are moving on July 26th. I think most of you have my email - and that's the best way to contact me, as my phone number will likely change soon. My mom (Carolyn) will also have the contact info

So, if you're in the neighborhood, stop in and say hullo.

Jed and Tracey Hayes

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A good morning!

Yes, it is a good morning here in Roswell. This past week we've had several good rains and that really helps! Thanks to the Good Lord.

This morning I just checked out the blogs of Casey and Jed and find them both very interesting.
I just wanted to recommend them to the rest of you. They really provide us with info on these two guys and I feel that I know them much better. This is a great way to get acquainted. Families should not be strangers to each other. This blog provides us a way to keep that from happening!


(There are links to Casey and Jed's blogs at the bottom of the right hand column -Elton)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Thoughts from NM

Greetings to all from the Land of Enchantment! This lil' ole country gal has finally gotten to the point of doing this posting. Thanks to Elton for entering my first message and to Jed for giving me more instructions on how to get on and do this!

I had wanted to get this to you all by the Fourth, but I'm just late, but I wanted to do it anyway.
Memories of the Fourth of July! When I was a kid, the big thing was to have "fried chicken" on the 4th. Our baby chicks would just barely be big enough by then, so that was a great thing, followed by either ice cream, made at home, or maybe a watermelon. After I was 10 or so, we usually managed to have a few fire crackers, a Roman Candle or two and some sparklers! That was our fireworks. We all thought they were wonderful and, of course, my big brother, Jack, got to do all the lighting of them and he even put some of the firecrackers in a can for a big bang! I can't say exactly when it was, but I can remember the first 4th when Jack and Joyce got to go to Carlsbad to see the fireworks, but me, I was too little, so I stayed home. Ha.

You see, when I was growing up all through the 1930's, we raised our own chickens and it was very important to have them for the 4th! As a result, I still like to have fried chicken and water-melon on the 4th and last week, that's what we did! I just wanted to share with all of you "young" ones that times have really changed as to what we have and the way we live. I do feel that we, in the United States, have SO MUCH to be thankful for, but it is very easy to take it all for granted and forget that it used to be so different. Just sharing my thoughts and memories with you all. Take care and love, Auntie Carol

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hello To All

Thought I'd check in just to prove I could do it.

First, Elton, thank you for setting up the family blog. Looks like it took much work, but how's an old fart to know? Nonetheless, thanks. Could be a real kick if folks give it a try.

Joyce and I just finished a road trip from central Oregon to LA. Our oldest, David, just celebrated his 30th. LA, while more crowded than ever, still has some magic -- particularly in the beach communities. Joyce and I haven't lost our craving for Tommy's burgers either.
On the way down we visited Crater Lake for the first time. It's dramatic and worthwhile. The main lodge serves an incredible breakfast with an even more incredible view. The snow banks were still 8'to 12'. We had good snowpack in the Cascades this year.

Our two oldest sons, Dave and Jeff, live in LA (Santa Monica and Redondo Beach). Both work in Internet companies. Brad, our youngest, has been in Baghdad since December, but is due to return soon. Can't wait to hear the stories.

Joyce and I have been settled on the Oregon Coast for almost 5 years now. We love it. We have a room with a view. Come visit.

Craig (Grant)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How to Post to the Blog

There have been some questions about how to post to the blog. Here's a short-and-(I hope) simple answer...

  1. First, log in to your google account (do this at blogger.com. Don't have a google account yet? Contact Elton for an invitation.)
  2. You should then be taken to the Dashboard page. There you can click on 'New Post', and then jump to #4 below.
  3. Or at the Dashboard page, you can click on 'View Blog'. On the blog homepage (http://www.ratcamp.blogspot.com) you should able to see your log-in name on the top right of the page. Next click on the 'New Post' link next to your log-in name at the top right of the Rat Camp homepage.
  4. The next page is for writing a Post, and is pretty much like writing an email (except you also have icons there for attaching pictures and movies). There is also a very useful HELP link if you have any more questions...
  5. Last, click 'PUBLISH POST', and Voila! your post will appear on the blog.

    Hope this helps...
PS. You can also click on the 'about blogging' link in the righthand column to bring to the top all of the posts about.... how to blog.